
Free competition and stringent in the industry to education, the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), increasing consumer knowledge, and employees, encourage business that produces goods and services begin to consider the factors that can improve the quality and quantity of production to enhance the acquisition revenue / profit, customer satisfaction for services, and increasing employee welfare.
Quality management system focuses on the consistency of the work process. This often involves some level of documentation of work standards. Quality management system based on prevention of errors that are proactive, rather than on detection of errors that are reactive.
It should be recognized also that many quality management systems will not be 100% effective in prevention alone, so the quality management system should also be based on corrective action to problems found. In connection with this case, the system is a high manajernen closed loop system that includes detection, feedback, and corrections. However the largest proportion (more than 85%) should be directed to prevention of errors from an early stage.
Quality management system incorporates elements: goals (objectives), subscribers (customers), the results (outputs), processes (processes), the inputs (inputs), suppliers (suppliers), and measurements for the feedback and feed-forward (measurements for feedback and feedforward). In the English language acronym can be shortened to: SIPO-COM Suppliers, Inputs, Processes, Outputs, Customers, Objectives, and Measurements.
Each environment, implementing a consistent process is key to continuous improvement is effective to always provide products (goods and / or services) that meet the needs of customers in the global market. There are several steps to implement a quality management system (QMS). The order given here is only a guide, which can be done simultaneously or in order not to order, depending on the culture and maturity of the organization, but all of these steps should be taken seriously and consistently.

Melwin Syafrizal STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta

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