Internet 2 is an alternative solution to the problems posed in the use of the Internet network today. The problem is particularly felt in less kecepaan with the increasing internet users today.

Internet 2 is intended for educational activities and research and development of social services. Supported by a strong network architecture. 90 thousand times the speed internet now. Security and centralized control. IT and multimedia development can be accommodated.

Although problems can arise already with Internet2 so diatasai still have to be careful as when using the Internet. Because Internet2 however still "new" has not even operate, so still not known what the next obstacle encountered, although the simulation will be considered as successful.

Similarly, security and control issues, still must be observed. Formerly a computer virus, but not so much in line with the development of the computer world is getting a lot of existing viruses. Internet2 Now do not show our shortcomings do not know how later if already in operation. Such logic.

Source By :
Krisnawati STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta

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