ORGANIZATIONAL Citizenship Behaviors


This research was conducted at the State Universities in Indonesia, which aims to to identify the variables that affect the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and empirically assess efforts to improve Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in State Universities in Indonesia. Object of this research is a lecturer at State Universities in Indonesia with the number of respondents of 100 respondents. Sampling is done using convenience sampling techniques and to analyze the data used Structural Equation Modeling approach.

From the results of the analysis and estimation models, obtained by conclusion that the variables - variables that affect the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in State Universities in Indonesia is variable Job Satisfaction.

Source By :
Damrin Ade STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta



Free competition and stringent in the industry to education, the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), increasing consumer knowledge, and employees, encourage business that produces goods and services begin to consider the factors that can improve the quality and quantity of production to enhance the acquisition revenue / profit, customer satisfaction for services, and increasing employee welfare.
Quality management system focuses on the consistency of the work process. This often involves some level of documentation of work standards. Quality management system based on prevention of errors that are proactive, rather than on detection of errors that are reactive.
It should be recognized also that many quality management systems will not be 100% effective in prevention alone, so the quality management system should also be based on corrective action to problems found. In connection with this case, the system is a high manajernen closed loop system that includes detection, feedback, and corrections. However the largest proportion (more than 85%) should be directed to prevention of errors from an early stage.
Quality management system incorporates elements: goals (objectives), subscribers (customers), the results (outputs), processes (processes), the inputs (inputs), suppliers (suppliers), and measurements for the feedback and feed-forward (measurements for feedback and feedforward). In the English language acronym can be shortened to: SIPO-COM Suppliers, Inputs, Processes, Outputs, Customers, Objectives, and Measurements.
Each environment, implementing a consistent process is key to continuous improvement is effective to always provide products (goods and / or services) that meet the needs of customers in the global market. There are several steps to implement a quality management system (QMS). The order given here is only a guide, which can be done simultaneously or in order not to order, depending on the culture and maturity of the organization, but all of these steps should be taken seriously and consistently.

Melwin Syafrizal STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta



Electronic Commerce (e-Commerce) is supporting the improvement, development of a company. With the e-commerce will be able to provide a feasibility for the management of processing a variety of resources used. Among these resources, e-commerce is the management support in the marketing process to achieve the goal. This is caused by the e-commerce can change the original form of service should come directly to a destination agency or via the phone, but now the service is on-line every time wherever located so as to facilitate the handling of all transactions. View media e-commerce makes the customer can freely view all the activities undertaken by a company in marketing its products. Marketing was formed because of the unique asset that became a marketing network of companies and the Believers (horder stake) supporters, employees, suppliers, distribution, retailers, advertising agencies and so on as the company steps back timbale building relationships of mutual benefit. E-commerce with the company management is very closely related,

because here the e-commerce supporting role as a marketing tool to convey information to achieve goals.

Hopefully this scientific work can be useful and used as reference material that can provide insight in the areas of corporate marketing, advertising in the media especially the internet.

Source By :
Dina Maulina STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta


Internet 2 is an alternative solution to the problems posed in the use of the Internet network today. The problem is particularly felt in less kecepaan with the increasing internet users today.

Internet 2 is intended for educational activities and research and development of social services. Supported by a strong network architecture. 90 thousand times the speed internet now. Security and centralized control. IT and multimedia development can be accommodated.

Although problems can arise already with Internet2 so diatasai still have to be careful as when using the Internet. Because Internet2 however still "new" has not even operate, so still not known what the next obstacle encountered, although the simulation will be considered as successful.

Similarly, security and control issues, still must be observed. Formerly a computer virus, but not so much in line with the development of the computer world is getting a lot of existing viruses. Internet2 Now do not show our shortcomings do not know how later if already in operation. Such logic.

Source By :
Krisnawati STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta



The primary objective of this research is to study factors determining the success of silver craft industry, especially those located in Yogyakarta. Results of this research show that roles of employee and manager, all have affected the success of silver craft industry.

When the above ten variables have significant influence to the success of silver craft industry, then the next issue will be, how to identify the qualities of successful manager.

It is not exaggerating to say that manager is a prime determinant to the success of silver craft industry. Henceforth, one objective of this research is to study the manager roles to the success of silver craft industry.

Results of this research show that there is positive correlation between the success of silver craft industry and manager role, as shown by coefficient correlation of 0.760, which is significant at one percent level. This leads to the conclusion that in order to reach the success of silver craft industry there should be managers who carry out apropriate managing, planning, organizing, leading and controlling. To conduct a proper management, in trun, education and training in management field will be needed.

Since it has been proved that manager role determine the success of silvercraft industry, thus futher research is needed. It is important to recognize what kind of factors affecting manager role is.

Taking the complexity and urgency of factors affecting those silver craft industry into account, a deeper study is needed to carry out, either those examining the entire parts or one merely paying attention on certain issues related to factors of structure and technology.

If possible, it is important to broaden the scope of this study so to include not only Yogyakarta province, but also the entire area of Indonesia.

This study could also be expanded to cover such other craft industries as leather craft industry, wooden craft industry, and other industries predicted to have bright prospect in future global marketplace. It is also possible to expand the to cover other industries.

Source By : M.Suyanto